Volume 16, Issue 2, December 2024

PDF Table of Contents


1. Does Mental Accounting Matter in Portfolio Management? A Prospect Theory Application
Paritosh Chandra Sinha


2. Interpreting the Decades of Earnings Management
Manu Abraham, S. Santhosh Kumar


3. Causal Interaction between Foreign Portfolio Investment, Service Trade, Currency Value & Economic Growth: An Empirical Study of India
Ishwar Sharma, Sushant Yadav, Ruhee Mittal, Ajay Yadav


4. Digital Financial Literacy and Perceived Financial Well-Being Among Indian Adolescents and Young Adults: The Importance of Financial Capability and Resilience
C. Hitesh Kumar, Supreet Sandhu


5. Risk Attitudes, Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior: A Gender Specific Comparison
Razvan Uifalean


6. The Time Dependence and Interconnectedness of Developed Stock Markets
Bogdan Dima, Stefana Maria Dima, Anca-Adriana Saraolu (Ionascuti)


7. The Effects of COVID-19 and their Mitigation through Fiscal Policy: Results from a DSGE Model with Financial Frictions
Stefania Stancu


8. Exploring The Fama-French Five Factor Model Within a Time-Varying Parameters Framework
Cristian Andrei Budris, Bogdan Dima

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